Have you ever wondered who God is? You may know of what he can do, what he can give, what he can provide -- but have you ever truly taken the time to ask: who is God, really? Did you know that God is a distinct, unique person with thoughts and emotions? Did you know that he has special attributes and an essence that is expressed in all creation? (Romans 1:20)
God is so many things and while I don't believe it's right to limit him to a finite number of characteristics, it is important to cultivate a solid, fundamental understanding of who he is. Doing so will allow you to foster a meaningful relationship with him.
First, we must understand that God is triune; he is 3 persons in One: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. His character and attributes are expressed differently in all 3 persons, but ultimately he is One. This concept is known as the Trinity.
It's important to note that different people experience God in different ways. The way that God speaks to me may not be the way he speaks to you and that is totally okay! God understands each of us are unique. But nonetheless, God is God -- he is the same no matter what (Hebrews 13:8). Our understanding of him should not be based solely on our mere perceptions of him.
Now that we've got a basic understanding of God's essence, let's delve deeper into his Word to understand who he is from a unique perspective.
Whips, chains, excruciating labor. God's people cry out, wailing for freedom from a harsh ruler in a foreign land. The Israelites have now been in bondage for 430 years. The LORD has heard their cries and assigns Moses with the task of bringing them out of Egypt.
Before assuming this new responsibility, Moses struggles with his doubt and qualifications for the job. He asks God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" (Exodus 3:11). Despite his doubt, God assures that he will be with him in the journey. Moses complies, but still has one reservation... he says, "suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what should I tell them?"
Then, in a simple, yet utterly profound statement, God says to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM" (Exodus 3:14).
This statement in and of itself reveals so much of who God is... But what does it mean?
YHWH: The Tetragrammation
YHWH (Yahweh) is one of the 7 Hebrew names for God. In fact, it is considered one of God's most important names, as it is used over 6,000 times in the Bible! In contrast to other Hebrew names for God (e.g. Elohim, Jehovah, etc.), Yahweh is distinct; the name was deemed too sacred to be uttered, so it was replaced with the word "Adonai" ("My Lord") vocally, and with the transliteration "LORD" (all caps) visually. Let's discover what makes this sacred name so special.
God is unlimited. He transcends space, time and matter. By calling Himself the "I AM," God establishes his identity in a dimension that is unrestricted by hours, minutes and seconds.
God was not created by anyone or anything. He simply is. He always was. He is completely independent and needs nothing to be sustained. He is not becoming, he is always constant. With this identification, we know that God is not ephemeral (nor should our experience with him be), and anything that is limited by time is not God.
While the English transliteration of YHWH (Yahweh) gives meaningful insight into who God is, some of the significance of the name was lost in translation.
Remember how I mentioned that God has different names (as each one gives us different glimpses of his nature)? Well, "Yahweh" is special because it encapsulates God's nearness/immediacy in the sense that 1) he is a part of our family (like an immediate relative) and 2) that he is present and approachable to those who seek him. With this identification, we know that God is not just the Creator of the universe, nor is he just some detached spiritual force that influences our lives. God is a father who desires we draw near to him, and chooses to love you as his own!