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So, why study the Bible anyways?

Writer's picture: Crystal AmahCrystal Amah

Updated: Feb 13, 2019

Before deciding to study the Bible, you may find yourself intimidated by a variety of things. Perhaps you believe that you'll never have enough time to do so because, well, the Bible is a pretty big book! Perhaps you believe that the Bible is old and uninteresting and irrelevant to your life. Perhaps you believe that God, the Bible's main character, is unkind and judgmental; or maybe you're only motivated to "get through" the Bible because you feel obligated to do so, and your efforts so far have become attempts to appease a guilty conscience -- maybe you're intimidated by fear.

Whatever the reason behind your intimidation may be, know that you're not alone. I personally used to believe that I could never get through the Bible. And to be completely honest, I was afraid of what I'd find. I didn't want to be challenged by the Word of God because I had become complacent. I had become content in my ignorance! It wasn't until I realized that the Word of God is powerful and alive that I, too, wanted a piece of the action.

First, I want to commend you on your efforts to delve into scripture. There is so much beauty in a heart that is willing to learn, so hats off to you!

Secondly, I want to address any intimidation you may be feeling. Intimidation is rooted in a spirit of fear. And fear, when you give into it, hinders innovation, revelation, and discovery. 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God has given "us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind." God has given you the power to overcome any hindrance blocking you from seeking Him. Fear incapacitates and arrests; the truth of God sets us free.


So, you're here! You're ready to learn about God and His promises by reading His word. That's wonderful! Why else should you study the Bible?

1. God's Word is transformative.

Romans 12:2 tells us that we should not "conform to the pattern of this world," but rather we should be "transformed by the renewing of [our] mind." God's Word renews. God's Word rejuvenates. God's Word transforms -- it seeps into the depths of our hearts, minds, and lives, and metamorphosizes us from the inside out.

2. God's Word invigorates our faith.

Romans 10:17 tells us that "faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ." When you take the time to study the Word, your faith grows -- it comes alive. Hearing, knowing, understanding the Word of God inspires belief (faith) which is the foundation of your walk with Christ.

3. Knowing God's Word breeds intimacy with Him.

Intimacy is the crux of any meaningful relationship. Without it, there is room for insecurity and fear to fester -- and they can have a detrimental effect upon the way you perceive God. James 4:8 tells us that if you "draw near to God... He will draw near to you." In order to draw near to Him, it is imperative you read His Word, for in it lies His nature and the mysteries of life He is willing to share with you! (Jeremiah 33:3)


Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts down below: Why else do you think it's important to study scripture?

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