No matter what stage you're at in your walk with God, it's hard to be 100% certain if the "voice" you're hearing is God's, or if the thoughts you're thinking are from somewhere else. Did you know that the average person has 70,000 conscious thoughts per day? And researchers believe that number is actually pretty conservative -- we have thousands of subconscious thoughts, as well. Not to mention that our minds are susceptible to environmental influences; the things around us have an effect on the way we think too... Whether we're aware of it or not, our brains are constantly active and it can be easy to become overwhelmed by it all.
With that being said, one of the main questions people ask me about God has to do with if they're hearing Him correctly:
"Is this God's voice?"
"Is God telling me to do this?
"What is God's will for me?
I understand. I've also been in murky seasons of my life wherein it was difficult for me to discern God's will. With all of the pressure and distractions life has to offer, distinguishing God's voice among a sea of many others seems like an impossible task... But it doesn't have to be.
Luckily, God speaks to us in many ways. For example, In ancient Israel God mainly used prophets and dreams to speak to His people concerning His plan of redemption for humankind. But He also used Urim and Thummim, a unique method of communication that symbolized the function of Christ and God's willingness to convey His will to His people.
The Urim and Thummim were gemstones used by the High Priest to discern God's will.
The High Priest functioned as a mediator between God and the people. Like an intercessor, he intervened on behalf of the community in different situations. He wore a special garment called an ephod; on it was a breastplate containing 12 gemstones (Exodus 28:30), each stone representative of the 12 tribes of Judah.
Function of the Urim and Thummim
Hidden behind this breastplate were the Urim and Thummim, which the High Priest could use to ask God questions. Considering he'd get a response, the Urim (which is translated to "lights" in Hebrew) and Thummim (which is translated to "perfections" in Hebrew) aided in revealing God's will.
Following the release of the Israelites from Babylonian captivity, the Urim and Thummim were never mentioned in the Bible again. Even today, scholars aren't 100% certain on how the Urim and Thummim were used. However, they're an interesting example of how God desires that we hear His voice and know what His will is.
Fast forward to today and you may be thinking, "Wow! How cool it must've been to have such powerful tools." To which I would I agree. How awesome would it be to have a tangible object that aides in discerning God's will for your life?
Well, what if I told you that you have access to something even better than Urim and Thummim? You have the Bible -- the tangible, inerrant, living Word of God.
God's Word is the perfect tool in helping you determine His will because it contains His will. His Word is a "lamp unto [our] feet and a light unto [our] path" (Psalm 119:105); "The Lord's Word is perfect" (Psalm 18:30).
Much like many objects in the Old Testament, the Urim and Thummim functioned as symbols foreshadowing the Messiah, who called Himself the "Light of the world" (John 8:12)" and who was perfect in all His ways. This tells us that even when it comes to decision making, seeking revelation, and personal matters, we are to look to the One who can give us the clarity we need.
God isn't hiding from you. He desires that you hear His voice and know His will. In fact, God speaks all the time. But how can you recognize a voice that you're not familiar with?
Much of the fascination surrounding the Urim and Thummim is due to the fact that they were instruments used in hearing directly from God concerning a matter. Well, according to Hebrews 4:16, we have the same luxury as children of God. We can come to God boldly in times of need, and trust that He hears us and sees our hearts.
There are various ways that God speaks -- especially to you. But when it comes to everything, always use God's Word as your compass! Beyond that, prayer is also a crucial means of hearing from the Lord. It is in these moments that He can speak directly to your heart, free of the distractions of life.
Becoming acquainted with the Lord's voice is the result of spending intimate time with Him. In doing so, you can learn about Him and become familiar with His voice!
Thanks for reading!
How do you hear God's voice?
Has there been a time when God gave you clarity on a big decision?
~Crystal ❤️
“The 70,000 Thoughts Per Day Myth?” Neuroskeptic, 9 May 2012, “What Were the Urim and Thummim?”, 11 Nov. 2004,