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Active mind syndrome: Operating in a dimension of peace amid pandemonium

Writer's picture: Crystal AmahCrystal Amah

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

The human mind is a complex thing - and I've always been intensely fascinated with it. Ever since 8th grade, I have been deeply enthralled with the brain. It's always intrigued me how something so small could dictate the way we live our lives and determine who we are as individuals. And it baffles me that the same brain can logically compute elaborate equations can also create the most beautiful songs, compelling paintings, and captivating poetry! Hopefully you can understand my passion... The brain is pretty amazing.

In fact, I am so passionate about the mind that I've decided to pursue a degree in Neuroscience with the goal of going to Medical school. And if I've learned anything in the classes I've taken, it's that the brain is among one of the most complex things to ever exist.

Bear with me as I nerd out for a second: the human brain has so many electrical impulses firing simultaneously (even you focusing to read theses words emits brain waves) that it has it's own electromagnetic field (EMF). And all of this electricity being produced by the brain creates consciousness (awareness, the ability to perceive your surroundings). 🤯

As you can imagine, all of these electrical impulses create for a very active mind. We have over 70,000 conscious thoughts a day! Everything from, "What should I wear today?" to "Where will I be in the next 10 years?" may fall within your spectrum of thought.

If you're anything like me, your mind doesn't seem to shut-off. My mind is always thinking, pondering, and questioning things... So much so that I've dubbed this phenomenon "Active Mind Syndrome"!

As previously mentioned, I want to go to Medical school. So allow me to help you reach a diagnosis if you, too, suffer from Active Mind Syndrome (AMS): 😂

Side effects of Active Mind Syndrome (AMS) may include:

1. an inability to sleep due to constant thought;

2. being so intensely focused on your thoughts that you appear aloof to others around you;

3. an inability to rest, relax, or be at peace and;

4. a constant fear of the future, or an inability to move on from the past.

AMS may be fictitious, but it's side effects are all too real. Losing sleep, an inability to relax, and a constant fear of the future are symptoms of a much deeper issue. They're indicative of operating outside of the dimension of peace God has called us to.


Being designed in the triune image of God with body, soul, and spirit, human beings are interconnected. The psychological term for this interconnectedness is called being psychosomatic. This means that our minds can affect our bodies, and our bodies can affect our minds. For example, have you ever been so stressed that you've become physically ill? Have you ever been so worried that you've become physically sick? Have you ever been so scared that you physically couldn't move?

In Mark 5 we're told about a woman who suffered from a serious medical condition that caused her to bleed continuously for 12 years. "She has suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse" (Mark 5:26, emphasis added). Can you imagine the psychological torment this woman probably experienced? In ancient Jewish culture, menstruating women were considered ceremonially unfit - unclean. However, because she bled continuously, she lived in a constant state of uncleanness which caused her to be religiously and socially isolated.

With all of the stress this woman faced, it's not surprising that she progressively got worse over the years. Her mind must've been wildly chaotic, not allowing her to rest. But one day, as Jesus was passing by, she thought to herself:

"If only I could touch his clothes, then I will be healed" (Mark 5:28).

So, that's what she does. The woman reaches out to touch the hem of his garment; then, in a miraculous moment of faith, the woman is healed of her condition! Do you know what Jesus told her afterwards? He said:

"Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (Mark 5:34)

Jesus told the woman to "Go in (into) peace and be (continually) freed from your suffering (distress)."

The word "in" in the Greek is "en," and it means to step into something. In other words, peace is a dimension/a realm that you can choose to walk in and be a part of. Stress and having an overactive mind produces debilitating pandemonium that manifests itself physically (e.g. illness). But choosing to operate in the dimension of peace breeds freedom that manifests externally.


Your mind is powerful. With all of the chaos that having an active mind often entails, it's imperative to know and operate within the realm of peace. This may sound oxymoronic, but fight for your peace. If you find that circumstances are becoming overwhelming and your mind is running a mile-a-minute, be intentional about cultivating an inner-domain of peace. Your mental well-being is worth it.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Thanks for reading! Reflect:

  • Do you find yourself frequently burdened with stress?

  • What are some practical ways you can cultivate peace internally and externally?

Crystal ❤️


“Home.” Mit Engineering,


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